Experiencing infertility can be an emotionally exhausting process. Every month can bring a fresh disappointment. Intimacy between partners can become strained. If you are able to conceive, a history of infertility can increase your likelihood of experience a postpartum mood or anxiety disorder, primarily due to the months of stress preceding and during pregnancy coupled with extra high expectations for yourself postpartum (e.g. I should be so happy to have this baby, so what's wrong with me?) Psychotherapy can help process the stressors associated with infertility, help couples discern next steps should a reproductive choice need to be made and provide support through the postpartum period if you are able to conceive.
Resolve: Infertility Support
Return to Zero is an organization aimed at supporting parents through infant loss. They also have infertility support groups.
Resolve: Infertility Support
Return to Zero is an organization aimed at supporting parents through infant loss. They also have infertility support groups.